Monday, May 21, 2007

I have started the Enbrel and it is very surprising how I feel. My energy level is greatly improved, most of my joints have quit hurting so much, and generally, I have a better attitude. I have been going to the doctor’s office for my weekly injections. However, I need to learn how to do it myself. We are planning a vacation that will span two Mondays (the day I get my shot) and I do not want to shorten our vacation because I am such a sissy.

I am still concerned about a seemingly minor infection killing me. Therefore, I take the ostrich approach to this side effect, while also avoiding a social setting where I know someone is or has recently been ill. So far, I have not become a social outcast and my grandchildren still love me.

Mornings are still tough but it takes less time to get all the joints working. Riding or sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time is not fun – well really it is just the getting up that is not fun.

Life goes on, thankfully.

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