Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Well, my RA has been quiet – all things are relative – so I have not had much to write. I was reminded I have not posted anything and should do so. I am taking so much medicine now (at least that is the way I feel) and for the most part things are working. In a couple of weeks, I will be going for blood work that will help relieve my mind that the drugs are not wrecking havoc on my liver. My hands actually look like normal people’s hands – well mostly – there are lumps on a couple of knuckles but they are small lumps – again all things are relative. I feel good and my energy level is good. I have been doing the Atkins diet along with the medicine and I think it makes a difference. When I stray from the diet and have a sugar fix I find more aches and pains the next day. Therefore, I will try to be good but it is hard to ignore chocolate candy sitting in my office.