Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Choices …

My RA is responding to the Enbrel. I have a lot fewer swollen joints and generally I can move better even after sitting for a long period of time. I definitely have more energy, which has helped my overall attitude.

Because the Enbrel is doing what it is suppose to do, suppress my immune system, I had a bad experience with some cleaning solution fumes. The other day the cleaning crew came over to clean a spot off the carpet, the smell from what they used triggered a response in my system – my throat began tightening and my voice just disappeared. I went home and after 3 or 4 hours, I was doing much better. Throat was scratchy but my voice was much better. I return to work this morning and the smell was still there – not nearly as strong but evident. Within 2 hours, my voice was gone and my throat was burning. I left and went to the doctor. At the doctor’s office, they measured the oxygen level in my blood, it was decreased, and my blood pressure was elevated to reflect my body was under stress. My doctor said because my immune system is being suppressed, the reaction was magnified and it will take my throat longer to heal. Therefore, I am at home working and trying not to talk so my throat can heal – not too hard when it is just the animals and I at home.

As my doctor put it, you have to decide what you can live with – pain and the potentially crippling effects of RA or a stronger immune system that can fight the day-to-day stuff. Not a choice I like making, but for now I look to the future and opt to fight the effects of RA.

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