Friday, April 10, 2009

It has been a long time since I updated my RA Ramblings and there are lots of reasons (& excuses). The short version is we moved to Wisconsin and I have a new doctor. The new doctor could not find evidence of the RA, which means either the RA has gone into remission or it was misdiagnosed. RA can go into remission and based on what I have read if it becomes active again, it is really aggressive.

My current doctor believes, based on what he sees in my medical history, that it was misdiagnosed. He said there are a many things that can cause symptoms similar to RA; based on my age (I was almost out of the age range for RA being diagnosed), and the lack of joint damage – he believes there was something else going on in my body.

Given all of that, I can say I feel good. I still have pain in my hands, elbows, and my feet get stiff if I sit too long, but it is not as bad as it was. I can do what ever I want and suffer the aches & pains based on how out of shape I am. My overall health is good and my emotional health is improved with the news of no RA.

Soon, I will take down this page since there is not much to write about regarding this topic – thankfully.

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